Wednesday 12 February 2014

College Work - Bug Test Cycle

There are six different stages when testing a game for bugs, these phases are Plan, Prepare, Perform, Report, Repair, Repeat. Each stage is a critical stage in making sure the game runs as intended, and planning to fix it for future use.

The planning phase is where you take all of the things you changed for this alpha/beta version. You will then come up with a way to do to tests for the new features.

In the prepare phase you make sure you are ready for the perform phase.

Perform the tests within the game, making sure you test every new implementation.

The report phase is where you log the test results, in a detail, and report it back to the project overseer.

The repair phase is where you take the information found and use it to fix the bugs within the game.

Go back to the planning phase, this process will continue until all/most of the bugs are worked out.

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