Wednesday 12 February 2014

3D Modelling - Sword Art Online: Asuna's Sword

References - Sword Art Online (Anime)

College Work - Triggers

Triggers are different keywords that are used to describe the different operating regions. The triggers are used to identify new or existing defects in test builds. Using defect keywords can help you classify where the game bug is and how to fix it. Some examples of keywords for defect triggers are:

Configuration - Configure, Model, Type, Version, Environment, Connect, Disconnect, Add

Startup - Startup, Initial, First, Un-installized, Creation, Boot, Warm up, Wakeup, Loading

Exception - Exception, Error, Violation, Exceeds, NULL, Unexpected, Recover, Prevented

Stress - Stress, Load, Rate, Slowest, Fastest, Low, High, Speed, Capacity, Limit, Long

Normal - Normal, Typical, Common, Usual, Expected, Planned, Basic, Allowed, Available

Restart - Restart, Reset, Cleanup, Eject, Power Down, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Quit

College Work - Test Phases

There are three different kinds of test phases, they are Alpha, Beta and Gold. Each stage has its own little things that it needs to work out before the game can move onto the next stage.

The alpha stage is then the game is purely a testng phase, it can mainly consist of white boxing and could cause loss of of data or crashes. Alpha stages are often closed to the public, unless the game is one in which is crowd or independently funded in which case the alpha will often be available to buy or test as the developers will not be able to get a large test team as easily as a triple a title developer. Alpha stage will often end with a “feature freeze” in which mean no more features will be added into the game.

The beta stage is the second phase of a games life, after the alpha. The beta phase may also have some data loss or crashes, much like in the alpha. The beta will often focus around the players usability. Beta testing often isn't public, although recently public beta testing has become a lot more popular among developers. Beta versions are often used to play test/how off the game before it gets released, a technical preview. There are two different types of beta, closed and open, closed means that it is closed to the public and will either be emailed out to a few select people in the public or a small in house team, open means that the beta is open to the public, it is for everyone to use and try free of charge.

The gold stage is also known as the release phase, this is when the game if fully complete with all of the bugs found during the alpha and beta stages worked out. In this phase the game can be either released digitally or physically. The gold stage is when the master version of the game is to be mass produced. The game will not get into the gold phase until the software has met a defines quality level. An abbreviation is used in the gold phase RTM (Release to Manufacturing).

College Work - Operating Regions

Pre-game is the state before you are within the game, before the executable file has launched. This can be shown by things like, Loading up Steam and pressing the “Play” button within your library or the Xbox dashboard after you insert the disk into the console.

Game Start
Game start is the period in which you are in the menus, you are able to change button layout and click on the start game buttons, but no interaction with the game is happening. This state can also contain starting cutscenes. Game start can also contain start screens that include a small amount of gameplay within the menu selection, such as in Trine 2.

In-game is the period in which you are able to interact with the game even in scenes in which you are immobilized, like on Killzone 3 or Skyrim, and can only look round are still classed as “in-game” as you are able to interact with the game itself. Within the game it can still have cutscenes that break the game play, these are still classed as the “in-game” region.

Post game is the shutting down of the game, from when you click the save and exit button until the executable file has been fully closed and shut down.

Hardware bugs

If the controller starts playing up and not working, this can happen in all regions.

Graphics card/motherboard begins to overheat, this can occur in all stages although mainly happens within the “in-game” region.

Power supply stops working, can occur in all regions.

Software bugs

Pre-game - Starting the game, if your drivers were not updated and as such the game wouldn't start the executable file.

Game start - If menu buttons didn't work and were not clickable. If the game forces you to view a unskippable cutscene and freezes and will not continue onto gameplay.

In-game - If you could see your character, and yet you can't move around the environment when you are supposed to be able to. You are on a linear path and yet you are not able to proceed, due to a door not opening or having a wall in the way.

Post game - The game doesn’t close and stays running.

College Work - Bug Test Cycle

There are six different stages when testing a game for bugs, these phases are Plan, Prepare, Perform, Report, Repair, Repeat. Each stage is a critical stage in making sure the game runs as intended, and planning to fix it for future use.

The planning phase is where you take all of the things you changed for this alpha/beta version. You will then come up with a way to do to tests for the new features.

In the prepare phase you make sure you are ready for the perform phase.

Perform the tests within the game, making sure you test every new implementation.

The report phase is where you log the test results, in a detail, and report it back to the project overseer.

The repair phase is where you take the information found and use it to fix the bugs within the game.

Go back to the planning phase, this process will continue until all/most of the bugs are worked out.

College Work - The Five Different Types of Game Bug.

A - Crash
A crash is a fatal type of bug, one in which forces the game to come to a halt, this can be shown by the game either not responding or crashing to the desktop.

B - Severe
These are also fatal bugs, they are ones in which cause the player not to be able to progress but the game still functions and doesn't crash. This bug type can be shown by something like a door not opening in a linear hallway.

C - General
General bugs are ones in which doe not stop gameplay but cause annoyance within the game. An example of these would be things like ragdolls getting stuck in the floor or an npc getting stuck in a rock
D - Minor
Minor types of bugs are ones that don't affect gameplay but still requires fixing, due to them causing some annoyance to the player. An example of a minor bug would be something like a door opening the wrong way, but still allowing the player to pass, or an npc’s head spinning upon interaction.

E - Cosmetic
Cosmetic are a type of bug in which don't affect the gameplay, but cause some visual error for the player. A cosmetic bug could be something like having two overlapping objects, so the textures mix and cause tearing.


An quest NPC getting stuck in a rock - Severe
When a cutscene is triggered the game exits to desktop - Crash
Floating bodies, in which you can walk through - Cosmetic
Door opening the wrong way, still allowing the player to pass - Minor
Player falls through the floor and keeps falling - Severe/Minor*
Unneeded guns fall through/stick out of the floor - General

*Depending on where the bug occurs it could be either severe or minor, if the player keeps falling down at the same point and it prevents progress within the game it is a severe bug. Whereas if the player falls through the map and it only happens once and the player is then teleported/killed due to the kill zone of the map it is a minor bug, as it causes some annoyance but does not prevent the player progressing. If the player falls through the map, and it doesn't have a kill zone, then it is a severe bug as it prevents the player from progressing as you will just infinitely fall.