Sunday 25 November 2012

Story Writing - Zeke Silver's Backstory

On a small planet resided a small race of tall anthropomorphic cat like creatures, their most prominent feature was their long sturdy ears that loomed over their heads hence why they were simply called The Long Ears. Although each Long Ear differed between each pack they all had the basic look to them of long ears, very sharp claws and two huge tails. The race lived simply within the forests of the planet, making makeshift huts and wearing basic clothes that only just covered them up. All members of the Long Ears were great warriors, in which were trained from birth, by either their mother or father, to fight. In one of the packs lived a small runt of the litter named Zeke Silver. Zeke was a member of the pack that had very long tongues, that could reach up to 35cm long, and thick bushy tails.
Zeke was ten years old when he was forced to fight in a war between his race, the ‘Long ears’, and a race of unknown anthro wolves that were invading his planet, Lycopa. The war consisted of multiple battles which turned the once peaceful and green, luscious, fields into a burning pit of cut up, decaying and burning bodies. With word of a horde of enemies approaching his small village, it was Zeke’s time to take part in the fight for his people’s land. Most of Zeke’s village and some members of the surrounding ones took part in the battle, leaving their loved ones behind. Walking over the large hill that loomed over the village Zeke saw the enemy’s army, all he saw was a sea of red as thousands of soldiers stood side by side in their crimson red armour. Outnumbered and out geared the small pack of ‘long ears’ charged at the army of anthro wolves, undeterred by how out-manned they were, fully battle primed. Charging in, Zeke, wearing nothing but his basic trousers with his weapons tucked into the back of them, looked to his right see his best friend Lim, all but his head covered in black leather and both of his tails smothered in razor sharp blades. Smiling at each other, they said nothing, saying goodbye to one and other with a simple gesture.
Zeke fought for hours in the seemingly never ending battle, with his allies falling all around him Zeke knew battle was lost but not giving up and staying true to the beliefs of his people, Zeke continued to fight bravely and valiantly, until he was eventually knocked unconscious by the hilt of one of his allies’ blade by mistake. After the small battle, in comparison to the others, was over the enemy scoured the field for wounded and dead soldiers. A lone soldier found Zeke unconscious on the battlefield, the guard was just about to put a sword through Zeke’s throat when the guard’s lieutenant walked over yelling “No!”  With a voice that would make even the most battle ready men shudder. “We can use him, Take him to the hold” the lieutenant said to the soldier, gesturing that he should move Zeke instantly before he woke up. 
“C…Cold” was the first thing Zeke muttered as he came to. Opening his eyes, Zeke was almost blinded by the light from the torch on the wall opposite his cell, looking around he found himself on a hard rock floor, the chill from it coursing through his bones, and thick black metal bars blocking his freedom.
Every couple of minutes an armoured guard would walk by his cell, covered from head to toe in metal and their sword swinging carelessly on their belts. Each time the guard walked past Zeke’s cell they would spit at him, laughing down the hallway, as Zeke cowered in the corner.
With no window in which to see the sun or moon Zeke had no way of telling day from night. The time passed so slowly that it felt like he had been in that cell his whole life, the only way he was able to have any sense of time was by the three guards that would collect him every two hours, without fail, to take him to the torture chambers. He would spend half hour at a time in that dreadful chamber at a time, being painfully tortured in the worst ways imaginable.
Zeke spent 5 years in the prison, being constantly tortured and starved, until a mysterious female anthro wolf guard walked by on her daily patrol. She saw just how much Zeke was suffering. Disgusted as to what her race and fellow guards were doing to him, she planned to help Zeke escape under the cover of night.
After much running, sneaking past guards and taking a secret exit only a very well-trained guard would know about. They were free, only unwatched forest lay in their path. After making a small shelter and a fire to keep them warm through the night, the anthro wolf began to tend to his wounds that had been left untended throughout the whole time he was in the bleak prison. Whilst being treated by the wolf, blushing, Zeke asked for the name of his rescuer, to which she replied "My name is Vythica."  After drinking the well brewed tea made by Vythica he began to start feeling dizzy, his eyes and head became heavy, muttering “It’s nice to mee…” as he fell to the floor.
The world went black for a moment and when Zeke opened his eyes he didn't see the beautiful anthro wolf anymore, only a smouldering fire and the spilled cup, that still lay in Zeke’s paw, which he drank from before falling to the floor. Picking up the cup and sniffing it Zeke realised that Vythica had used a type of special herb from his planet, in order to make him sleep.  Walking around panicked by how he had just been left to fend for himself, in which he could do with some ease, Zeke kept calling out “Vythica! Vythica!” For days on end he would do this until he had finally explored the entire forest. Upon realising she was no longer within the forest, he made it his sole goal to find her once again in order to try and make up for what she did for him.

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